Aesthetic remodeling facial massage
Facial massage adapted to individual age-related changes.
The main goal of this training - train a specialist in aesthetic medicine (beautician or massage therapist) system thinking, to create personalized massage schemes for each of the face and neck aging morphotypes. The effectiveness of massage is possible only when the specialist is able to take into account the features and nuances of the aging of a particular person.
Training in the format of seminars:
The course consists of three seminars, the duration of each of them is 3 days (24 hours). As a result, you have 72 hours of practical study of facial massage, and this is a serious application for improving the quality of your massage. Each seminar expands your arsenal of massage techniques and their combinations, so that at the end of 3 seminars, the specialist has all the necessary skills-keys for each of the morphotypes. Seminar 1. "Tired" morphotype: At this seminar, variants of schemes are drawn up aimed at the problems of the upper face (frontal and interbrow wrinkles, crow's feet, drooping eyebrows) and the middle zone (nasolabial furrow, beginning gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues of the middle zone, swelling of the lower eyelid, deepening of the nasolabial furrow, drooping corners of the mouth). Seminar 2. "Wrinkled" morphotype: Variants of tonic and revitalizing facial massage with thin, mobile skin are considered. This massage is also perfect for clients after facial correction using injection techniques. Seminar 3. "Deformational" morphotype: We study massage, concentrating on the problems of the neck and facial contours, the etiology of their aging, the effect of posture on the rate of neck aging and the change in facial contours. Restoring the muscular balance of the lower zone of the face, neck and upper body is a real prevention of the deformation type of aging of the face and neck. At the seminar, you will receive: conspect, certificate, access to training videos.
Check out the free trial lesson!
There are so many directions and styles in facial massage that it can easily be confusing. How to figure out if this or that system or method of massage will suit you for further professional development or as a completely new profession for you? Better to see and feel for yourself. Our educational center has such an opportunity. If you are not yet fully “ripe” to choose a place of study, doubt the quality of the presentation of the material or do not feel confident in the correctness of your choice, then you can attend an introductory lesson and only then decide to enroll in a course. This is an important activity - an introductory lesson, because it is one of the lessons of the standard training course. This is literally a "live broadcast" of how the course actually goes. You join as a member and as a model (the latter is optional). What will happen in the lesson? Theoretical part (30%) devoted to the anatomical structures and physiological processes affected by a specific aging morphotype (depending on the lesson). How are aging markers of a particular morphotype formed? In other words, how wrinkles, folds, tissue ptosis, oval deformity and many other signs of age are formed. Practical part (70%). It's time to put the theory you've just learned into massage practice. We discuss what cannot be done with this morphotype and why. We train massage techniques in pairs and compare the results. This approach allows you to receive constant feedback, seek and find cause-and-effect relationships, create the most effective massage schemes. Welcome! To participate in the lesson, fill out the form by clicking the "Contact" button. * Participation by appointment. **Limited number of participants.