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Neurosedante 2.0

The name of the technique was proposed and patented by Rogelio Garrido Montañana in 1980. Montañana, a writer, poet, naturopath and massage therapist, proposed a method of rhythmic non-linear massage with a focus on reducing nervous excitability and relaxation. Enric Castells Garcia popularizes neurosedant in the Russian-speaking environment and adapts the massage as a facial massage. ​ More than 40 years have passed and the initial explanations of how such a massage can affect the body seem naive, and others have not yet received their experimental confirmation. In particular, the story with the synchronization of the electrical activity of the brain hemispheres, which supposedly live out of sync before the massage, but after...

Berman massage

Today, after some time, we could significantly change the explanatory model, bringing it to modern ideas about the neurophysiology of touch. We can also leave all the beauty and complexity of the patterns of asynchronous hand movements. We can add to the endless stroking of the neurosedant and specific techniques for activating the vagus nerve, and deeper contact, since not everyone and does not always enjoy the light fluttering of hands, sometimes you want (and need) “more densely”. ​

As a result, we will get a new version of massage. Neurosedante 2.0

Physiological rationale for the technique:

Maintaining health is closely related to the functioning of regenerative systems, which are sensitive to current psychophysiological conditions. When it comes to chronic stress, stress-limiting systems can fail, which manifests itself at all levels of functioning of the body. The main idea of ​​Neurosedant massage is the induction of psychophysiological relaxation. Current research results are encouraging: massage as a form of social contact is an effective buffer against the endocrinological and sympathetic response to stress in the short and long term.

Predicted effects of massage (confirmed in tests):

- modulation of vagus tone (activation of the vagus nerve)*

- neurohumoral reactions: increased levels of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin

- psycho-emotional reactions: improving mood, reducing anxiety, stopping “internal dialogue”

- normalization of sleep

- analgesic effects

- immunomodulatory effects

- improvement of symptoms in some medical problems: hypertension, IBS, etc.

* Vagus nerve - X pair of cranial nerves. Plays an important role in somatic sensory, motor and parasympathetic innervation. Its cores and fibers provide critical control of the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems, and are involved in the regulation of inflammation, mood and pain.


In the learning process:

- “touch” the vagus nerve

- get acquainted with a variety of massage techniques and the specifics of their application

- we will learn to combine various techniques and massage asymmetrical zones

- we will increase the level of professional competence in facial massage “according to science”

Duration of the seminar:

2 days (from 10 to 17).

Methodological manual and video materials are attached.

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