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Topographical anatomy (anatomy by palpation)

Does a massage therapist need anatomy? Yes. And you can hardly argue with that. But anatomy is different. It can be studied using atlases and textbooks. This is wonderful, but the picture most often forms a flat image and is not transferred to a living, real body. It can be studied in cadavers by regularly attending dissections, anatomical theaters and anatomical exhibitions. This is wonderful, but the last theater closed 150 years ago, and autopsies are a pleasure inaccessible to the vast majority. And the pleasure, to be honest, is dubious for many. One of the most reliable and accurate ways to know anatomy, understand it, and see it is a practical seminar on palpation of anatomical structures.

A seminar where anatomy comes to life, where you can touch anatomy. The massage therapist least of all needs the ligaments of the liver or folds of the peritoneum, lobes of the lung or hemisphere of the brain. But tendons, places of their weaving, bony landmarks, muscles, their boundaries and functions - everything that is hidden under the skin at the depth of our touch - we must know all this. Be able to recognize, remember and find.

Анатомия в пальпации

At the seminar we will learn to localize the most important bone, muscle, and tendon structures. Let's learn to see and feel their boundaries, get acquainted with landmarks, remember the terminology and muscle functions. A seminar that answers the question “where am I and what am I touching now?”

Seminar program:

1 day:

- General principles of palpation

- Anatomical and physiological characteristics of structures: skin, hypodermis, fascia, muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, arteries and veins

- Skeleton. General information. Skeletal sections: axial, accessory

- Spine. Structure, departments, functions

- Rib cage. Structure, departments, functions

- Neck muscles. Overview, features

- Palpation in pairs


Day 2:

- Back muscles: anatomical characteristics of your own back muscles and alien muscles

- Bony landmarks

- Places of origin and insertion of tendons

- Chest muscle overview

- Functions of the chest muscles

- Abdominal muscles: anatomy and functions

- Palpation in pairs

Day 3:

- Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the structures of the upper limbs. Brief overview of structural features

- Key skeletal landmarks of the upper limbs

- Scapular stabilizers, latissimus, trapezius muscles

- Rotator cuff. Overview, features

- Muscles of the shoulder, forearm and hand. Overview, features

- Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the structures of the lower extremities. Brief overview of structural features

- Key landmarks of the lower limb skeleton

- Pelvic muscles. Anatomical and functional characteristics

- Muscles of the thigh, leg, foot. Anatomical and functional characteristics

- Palpation in pairs


Duration of the seminar: 3 days (from 10 to 17)

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